Short description

Students will create a mascot for the school, which will be then exchanged with our partners. We will create videos, pictures or presentations about the routine of our mascot at school school, the places around town, the local food, etc., after exchanging information and asking questions about each other's schools and countries, the mascot will return to the original school.


Students will be able to understand and express routines and descriptions (places, weather, food...).
They will improve their vocabulary on topics related to school (timetables, rooms around the school...) and culture of different countries (food, places around...).
They will practice speaking, listening, reading and writing at an A2 level.

Expected results

The results include videos, presentations, pictures… that will be uploaded to the TwinSpace. We will create pictures, text, short presentations, recordings, videos of all the mascots. The mascots will also be part of the different schools, visible along the duration of the project.

Collaborative logo of the project

A project registered on the European School Education Platform.

Location of the schools participating in the project:

IES Terra de Turonio (Spain)

ICS "Radice-Alighieri" di Catona (Italy)

Scoala Gimnaziala „Mihai Eminescu”, Dej (Romania)

Szkoła Podstawowa im.Jana Pawła II w Prostkach (Poland)

ZONE College (Netherlands)

Our project received the eTwinning National Quality Label and the European Quality Label as well.

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